Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Portfolio Item #11 "I used to think Women were Weak" Orthodox Masculinity, Gender Segregation and Sport http://www.jstor.org.proxy.ufv.ca:2048/stable/20110264

This is an interesting academic research article that shows a connection between gender segregation in sports and homophobic, sexist, and misogynistic attitudes in males. By segregating men into these structures, men learn these behaviours through group interactions and behaviours that reinforce these traits through the ritual of the sport itself. It also shows that men that are socialized into groups with less gender segregation often show greater acceptance of women.
“Findings suggest that the complex reproduction of orthodox masculinity in men’s team sports, the kind of sports Messner (2002) describes as the institutional center of sports – such as football, basketball, and hockey-are largely influenced by segregating males into homophobic, sexist, antifeminine, and misogynistic gender regime that only promotes those who aptly conform to the orthodox sporting ethos (Anderson, 2005a; Connell, 1987; Ewald and Jiobu, 1985; Hughes and Coakley, 1991; Nixon, 1994; Robidoux, 2001).” (Anderson, 2000)

This is a great example of Bourdieu’s concept of habitus, how the individual agent can come to learn and internalize a number of behaviours based on the cultural context and structures into which they are placed. These social structures and the socialization process are how certain traits, behaviours and beliefs come to be reproduced. The important aspect of this research article shows that just as negative traits can be acquired and reproduced, so too can positive beliefs (such as better inter-gender relations and gender equality). 

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