Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Portfolio Item #12: Tough Guise Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3exzMPT4nGI

This is a link to a brief youtube clip from a documentary called "Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity" It features Jackson Katz, a filmmaker and anti-sexist speaker, who details the politics of manhood and certain negative aspects in male culture, such as dominance, aggressiveness, a lack of empathy, generally anything the opposite of what is perceived to be feminine. It examines male stereotypes, and social pressures that socialize young men into becoming as they say in the documentary, "just one of the guys". The documentary shows just how much the male physical form in media representation has become increasingly larger, taller and just bigger over the last several decades. The documentary ends with Jackson Katz calling for a re-examination in masculine identity, asking society to throw away such status quo apologist statements as "boys will be boys" and demanding that men be taught to be more empathic. It examines issues related to patriarchal societal structures, such as the idea that hegemonic masculinity ascribes dominant traits to masculinity, thus perpetuating the cycle of women’s oppression by labelling femininity as the opposite.

This piece is extremely important and is perhaps the crux of the portfolio. It lays out the issues in contemporary masculinity and how this modern construction of cultural idealized masculinity is playing out in some very toxic ways, but also talks about potential solutions that can only come to light once the issues come to awareness. It argues that violence and aggression in men are seen as cultural norms in our society, and even shows that when male violence is committed against a woman, the headlines tend to gloss over the fact that men are the ones committing such acts, a key component to understanding the magnitude of the problem. 

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